Friday, September 18, 2009

Pandemic Planning 101

It seems many government agencies and associations have created checklists for pandemic preparedness.

"...You should do this... you will need these... you have to do that..."

Then what?

Do they give you an operational plan, communication memos, infection prevention and control policies, Human Resources policies, a methodology to determine Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements for your staff?

Do they give you an exercise to test your plan?

Do they provide infectious disease training programs?

Do they offer a family program?

If not, you will now have to start from scratch and create all these documents and processes yourself.

They tell you WHAT to do BUT not HOW to do it.


The Pandemic 101™ program includes a Gap Analysis, Pandemic Plan Template, Table Top Exercise, Online Infection Prevention, Control Awareness Level training, Certificate of Completion, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) calculator, Antiviral strategies, a Family guide and Family DVD.

First Aid Ottawa has secured a discount for our clients with the Pandemic 101™ program. To visit the site, purchase toolkits or online training, please use our promotional URL when visiting the Pandemic 101 website:

Webinar dates and times will be listed in the website. Select the one that fits your schedule, fill in the required fields and submit. You will then be sent an email with a unique URL to click on and join the webinar.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wilderness and Remote First Aid

Do you have employees who work in remote areas not immediately accessible to or by ambulance? Do you wonder whether the training you are proving will meet their needs?

The Canadian Red Cross has developed two Wilderness and Remote First Aid courses for those who recreate, live or work in isolated or wilderness settings and need to response to emergencies when advanced care is not immediately available. The courses cover material in Red Cross Standard First Aid & CPR plus special material on techniques for wilderness and remote areas as well as offers strategies to provide extended care for more than 24 hours. The courses are also recognized by WSIB and CLC.

As an Authorized Training Provider of the Canadian Red Cross, all First Aid Ottawa Standard and Emergency First Aid courses are recognized by WSIB and its Federal counterpart the Canada Labour code. Visit us online at or at 613-225-2727.