Canadian Red Cross drowning research shows that almost all boaters who drown were not wearing a lifejacket or not wearing it properly.
People offer many excuses for not wearing lifejackets such as “it’s too nice out”, “I’m close to shore,” and “I’m a good swimmer.” Strong swimming skills are not enough. Like your car seatbelt, your lifejacket will only work if you wear it.
Every year, almost 200 Canadians drown while boating. Of these, nearly 90 per cent, are not wearing a lifejacket, or do not have it properly secured. The Canadian Red Cross encourages all boaters, at all skill levels, and in all kinds of watercrafts, to drop the excuses. Make sure that everyone in the family is zipped and clipped into their lifejacket before you step foot in a boat.
Lifejackets have come a long way in recent years. Today’s lifejackets are comfortable and stylish, and are even designed for specific activities including water skiing, fishing, kayaking and rafting.
As an Authorized Training Provider of the Canadian Red Cross, all First Aid Ottawa Standard and Emergency First Aid courses are recognized by WSIB and its Federal counterpart the Canada Labour code. Visit us online at or at 613-225-2727.
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