The arrival of spring and warmer temperatures bring cyclists, skateboarders and roller bladders back onto our roadways. Most people are aware that those under 18 years of age in Ontario are required to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. What many people still don’t realize is that proper helmet usage is a lifesaver for all ages. With today’s crowded streets and bike paths helmets can prevent serious head injuries.
For those who roller blade or skateboard in addition to helmets wrist guards and knee pads can prevent serious bone, muscle and joint injuries.
Parents can set a good example by wearing the gear. After all who will take care of the children if the parents are injured?
Wear the Gear!
As an Authorized Training Provider of the Canadian Red Cross, all First Aid Ottawa Standard and Emergency First Aid courses are recognized by WSIB and its Federal counterpart the Canada Labour code. Visit us online at or at 613-225-2727.